About Us
Education for Employment Systems (EFEs) were developed in the 1980's by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Legislature to provide leadership for the State's Career and Technical Education (CTE) program areas which include Agriculture, Business, Family and Consumer Science, Health Science, and Technology Education (Industrial Technology). There are 58 EFE Systems in Illinois. EFE 320 serves ten area high schools with 7,500 enrolled students.
As an educational cooperative, EFE 320 is a not-for-profit entity and functions under the same guidelines as public school systems. EFE 320 is located in Pekin, IL and employs one full-time employee and two part-time employees. A governing board made up of a representative (administrator, counselor, or teacher) from each district meets monthly. Working together, they oversee grant funded allocations and expenditures to support Career and Technical Education.
Kitty Belsly, System Director
Email: kbelsly@efe320.org
Kitty has 29 years of teaching experience in the CTE field which included the last seven years being at the Bloomington Area Career Center as their Culinary Arts Instructor. Over the years she has also been an active EFE member in her school districts, as well as a CTE enthusiast. Kitty has earned a BS from Illinois State University, a MA from St. Xavier University, and a Certificate in Educational Administration from Bradley University. Kitty is married to her husband Mark and shares a blended family of four children, two grandchildren, and two yellow labradors. She likes to boat, practice yoga, read, garden, and of course cook and bake!
Cindy Gierich, Special Populations Coordinator
Michele Hollingsworth, Administrative Assistant
Email: cgierich@efe320.org
Cindy began working at EFE 320 in August 1993 after teaching Family and Consumer Science at Green Valley High School. At the end of June, 2014, she retired but was asked to return as a part-timer in August 2014. Cindy received her BS in education from Illinois State University after graduating from Melvin-Sibley High School. Tremont has been Cindy's hometown for the past 30+ years where she raised two sons. Cindy is now also blessed with four beautiful grandchildren, three beagles, and three ragdoll cats.
Email: mhollingsworth@efe320.org
Michele began working at Tazewell EFE in January 2020. Michele is a graduate of Limestone Community High School and Central Christian College where she earned an Associate's Degree in Office Management. Prior to joining the staff at the EFE, Michele was the Principal's secretary at Limestone Community High School. Michele has been married to her husband, Tim, for 33 years. They are proud parents of three children, Brittney, Zach, and Nate. Michele is also a talented pianist and enjoys being the accompanist for high school musicals, community theater, church, and anywhere that has a piano!